Animal-Like Protists : Definition, Characteristic and Classification

Animal-Like Protist is a member of a Protists group that has the characteristics similiar to an animal (kingdom animalia), which can move and multiply. Animal-Like Protist often referred as Protozoa. Protozoa word comes from the Greek, Proto = first, and zoo = animals. Its members have varied shapes; round, oval, rod and there is the shape changes according to environmental conditions. Protozoa are cosmopolitan creatures, which means it can be found in any habitat. Animal-Like Protist can reproduce sexually and asexually. Sexually by conjugation, with attachment of two individual which exchange their core. While asexually done by dividing. There are more than 40,000 species of Animal-Like Protist that has been recognized.
Definition, Characteristics and Classification of Animal-Like Protists
Its members have different characteristics, There is holozoic, they eat other organisms smaller than them; Holofitic, those are capable of producing their own food; and saprozoic, they are getting the organic material of an organism's body that had been dead. Animal-Like Protist have motion tools that allowed them to move freely. It could be flagella (whip feathers), cilia (hairs vibrate), and pseudo feet (pseudopodia).

Based on its locomotor (Tool Of Motion), Animal-Like Protist were divided into 6 phylum, namely:
1. Zoomastigophora (ZooFlagellates)
Zomastigophora a group of Animal-Like Protist that has flagella (whip feathers) as they tool of motion. Flagella comes from the Latin meaning whip. Mastigophora derived from the Greek "mastig” which means whip, and" phora " which meas movement. This group generally has two flagella in his body, could both be in the back of the body, or  (not infrequently) found in the front and back of the body. Habitat mostly in water, soil, symbiotic with other living beings, or a parasite. Most live as solitary unicellular organisms (living alone), while others live in colonies. Zooflagellata is an heterotroph, because they dont have chloroplasts.
2. Ciliophora (ciliate)
Ciliate is a group of Animal Like Protist that has cilia (hairs vibrate) as they tool of motion. Generally, a unicellular organisms that live solitary (alone) in freshwater habitats. In addition to functioning as their tool of motion, cilia contained in all parts of his body. Cilia function is moving the food to be able to enter through the mouth. Because they can not produce their own food, then Ciliate including heterotrophic organisms. Ciliate usually has two core cells called makronukleus (larger) and micronucleus (smaller size). Asexual reproduction is done by dividing, and sexual performed by conjugation (mutual gluing body and core exchange). Ciliate is a great predator, they can release needle called trichocysts so their prey can not move. Then he will eat the prey and conduct on the part of the digestive vacuole. Leftover food will be issued through a process of exocytosis (plasma membrane transport of molecules from the inside out).
3. Rhizopoda (Sarcodina)
Rhizopoda is a group of Animal Like Protist that has pseudo feet (pseudopodia) as their tool of motion. Artificial leg is derived from cytoplasm of their cells. Spesies of Rhizopoda ie amoeba sp. often found in ponds or water. Rhizopoda have a complex internal structure that allows it to sense and capture prey. Besides functioning to move, artificial legs also serves to capture their food. After the food is digested, the remaining results of digestive substances will condense and pull out to the ends and then exit their body. Because they can not produce its own food, then Rhizopoda is heterotrophic organisms. Rhizopoda reproduce by splitting in direct (binary fission).
4. Apicomplexa (Sporozoa)
Sporozoa (Sporo = seed, zoa = animal) is a unicellular organism that does not have the tool of motions. This organism moves by contractions throughout the cell. Sporozoa live as parasites, and the food is absorbed directly from its host. Many of its members have a complex life cycle, therefore it is also called Apicomplexa. Some species of this group can cause serious illness in another living organism, one famous example is the Plasmodium sp. as the cause of malaria.
5. Actinopoda (Heliozoa and Radiozoa)
Actinopeda is an animal-like protist that has tapered pseudo-foot (pseudopodia) emanating from his body as their tool of motion. This type of Pseudopodia is called axopodia. Axopodia serves to make it float and preying on other smaller organisms. Aticnopoda name means radiating leg or foot beam. Most Actinopoda is plankton. Actinopoda consists of heliozoa and radiozoa. Heliozoa generally live in freshwater, while radiozoa live in seawater.
Heliozoa and Radiozoa
6. Foraminifera
Foraminifera are Animal Like Protists found in the sea, sand, stick to rocks or algae. Foraminifera name comes from the word meaning foramen hole. This group has a shell or skeleton composed by Calcium Bicarbonate (CaCO3). If he died, then the shell will form Globigerina land, this land can be used as markers of oil resources. Locomotor at the foot of foraminifera are pseupodia that finely interconnected to one another. 90% foraminifera were found in fossil form in the oceans.