Definition and Types Of Adaptation

All living things breed in order to preserve the species from extinction. But besides breed, every living creature also perform a process called adaptation in order to withstand various natural selection and maintain its viability.

Adaptation can be defined as the ability of living beings to be able to adjust to the environment. Every living being has the different capability adaptation, some creatures can easily adapt, but there are also several types of living beings who have difficulty in adapting. Of course, adaptable living beings are easier to maintain viability, and vice versa. So do not be surprised if there are some rare living creatures because of the verge of extinction, one of the reason is because they dont have good ability to adapt.
Definition and Types of Adaptation
Each type of living things have a way of adaptation that is different to eah other, it is influenced by two factors, Internal Factor (factor derived from the living body itself or genetically) and external factors (factors obtained from the environment)
The adaptation grouped into three types ; morphological adaptation, physiological adaptation and behavioral adaptation. Here's the explanation.

1. Morphological Adaptation
Morphological adaptations is the adaptation by living beings on the environment related to the form and structure of its body parts. Some examples include morphological adaptations in animals ; birds able to fly because it has wings, birds according to its function there are different types of beaks and feet of birds, differences in the teeth between carnivores and herbivores. While examples of morphological adaptations in plants such as ; the shape and size of leaves is different between plants living in arid environments with plants that live in watery environments.
Morphological Adaptation, Physiological Adaptation, Behavioral Adaptation
2. Physiological Adaptation
Physiological adaptations is an adaptation by living beings on the environment related to the functioning of various tissues and organs of a themself.
Examples of physiological adaptation in animals such as ruminant animals that can produce cellulase enzymes to digest high-fiber foods. Examples of physiological adaptation in plants; we can see it on an oak tree whose leaves fall during the dry season. This occurs as a result of an oak tree produces a hormone that makes the leaves fall to reduce evaporation in summer and conserve water storage.
Morphological Adaptation, Physiological Adaptation, Behavioral Adaptation
3. Behavioral Adaptation
Behavioral Adaptation is an adaptation by living beings on the environment in the form of behaviors that are typical and specific. For examples ; Behavior of beetle pretending to be dead when in a state of danger, turtle hiding head into its shell when in a state of danger and salmon back to the river when the nesting period.